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RevFred's Reward Points: 351

Points When What Where
4 High Rated Argument Would the world be a better place without religions
2 High Rated Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 High Rated Argument Who would make the better president?
8 High Rated Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 Added Argument At some point, should we stop developing new technology?
1 Added Argument Rush Limbaugh Quote
1 Added Argument Does Fate Exist?
1 Added Argument Should politicians get paid minimum wage with no other "gifts"?
3 Added Argument List of things that should be prohibited, but aren't.
1 Added Argument Are you a patriot for America?
1 Added Argument Who does Christmas really belong to?
1 Added Argument Should we start a war on pirates?
1 Added Argument "Those who critcize this generation forget who raised it"
1 Added Argument Most memorable person in history ?
1 Added Argument Is it right for women who are pregnant to get abortions if they want to?
-1 Downvoted Argument What is more dangerous?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are there any topics that should be considered inapropriate for debate?
1 Added Argument Are there any topics that should be considered inapropriate for debate?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are Conservatives Hypocrits?
1 Added Argument Are Conservatives Hypocrits?
1 Added Argument Sex Education or Abstinence Only Education?
1 Added Argument Bill Clinton gets it. Why doesn't everyone?
1 Added Argument Is society ignoring the other parties and focussing too much on Republicans and Democrats?
7 High Rated Argument Which candidate would you feel most comfortable leaving your child with for the day?
1 Added Argument Is there too much advertising?
5 Created Debate Is there too much advertising?
1 Added Argument How To Save the Government $5 Million
1 Added Argument Are blond jokes offensive?
2 Added Argument Should I do this?
2 Added Argument Who is the elitist?
1 Added Argument What would happen to water if we could get it to freeze?
4 Added Argument What if Susan B. Anthony was aborted?
1 Added Argument Should we call a Town Hall for Q4 2008?
1 Added Argument Which candidate would you feel most comfortable leaving your child with for the day?
1 Added Argument What is more dangerous?
5 Created Debate What is more dangerous?
1 Added Argument Who is going to be the next President of the United States?
2 Added Argument What do you think of Google Chrome?
1 Added Argument What do you think of Google Chrome?
4 Added Argument Sex Education or Abstinence Only Education?
1 Added Argument Should the US return to the Gold Standard?
1 Added Argument Obama's comment when asked when life began, "That's above my pay-grade"
2 Added Argument Should we call a Town Hall for Q4 2008?
2 Added Argument I guess sometimes a joke can get out of hand...
5 Created Debate Who is the elitist?
1 Added Argument Is Ken Blackwell an Uncle Tom?
1 Added Argument Is it fair to change debate format for Palin?
1 Added Argument Should the US return to the Gold Standard?
10 Added Argument What good reason is there to believe in any religion?
5 Created Debate What good reason is there to believe in any religion?
4 Added Argument Is NewsMax one of those slanted news organizations?
1 Added Argument Has McCain gone too far with the distortions in his ads?
3 Added Argument What do you think about Michelle Obama?
1 Added Argument Should "creationist" be denied the chance to become president?
1 Added Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 Added Argument World, will you lose all faith in the USA is McCain wins?
1 Added Argument Wouldn't God Want Universal Health Care?
1 Added Argument Palin is Cheney in drag.
4 Added Argument Should politicians get paid minimum wage with no other "gifts"?
5 Created Debate Should politicians get paid minimum wage with no other "gifts"?
1 Added Argument Matt Damon's take on Sarah Palin
2 Added Argument Is McCain's age a factor for undecided voters?
1 Added Argument The Jesus & Community Organizer comparison
9 High Rated Argument Would the world be a better place without religions
1 High Rated Argument When are revolutions justified, if at all?
1 High Rated Argument Would you live in a Communist country if you could be wealthy?
1 Added Argument Driving while talking on a phone does not impair my driving capabilities.
1 Added Argument Is killing people fun?
1 Added Argument Should passing a final exam, in any school, pass you in the class?
1 Added Argument The Christian version of God is correct.
5 Created Debate Should passing a final exam, in any school, pass you in the class?
1 Added Argument is the current election process accurate enough
1 Added Argument Should CreateDebate have Skin option? Option of choosing Black background?
2 High Rated Argument Is Marijuana really a gateway drug?
5 Created Debate Is the federal income tax legal?
1 High Rated Argument Should religious doctrine be required reading in high school?
3 Created Debate Should we grow hemp for ethenol production?
1 Added Argument Should the US government fund stem cell research?
1 Added Argument Will the CERN Large Hadron Collider destroy the world?
1 Added Argument Who is the more entertaining comedy news show host?
1 Added Argument Should we align ourselves with a political party?
2 Added Argument I'm looking for a new car. Which one's me?
5 Created Debate I'm looking for a new car. Which one's me?
1 Added Argument I'm never gonna...
5 Created Debate I'm never gonna...
1 Added Argument Was muhammad a pedophile
1 Added Argument Did religion create morality?
1 Added Argument Is it fair to impose your views and beliefs onto others without them asking?
2 Added Argument If all religions were false, do they hurt society more than help?
1 Added Argument Is it possible to dig ourselves out of this technological hole?
1 Added Argument Should first-time sex offenders be chemically castrated?
1 Added Argument When are revolutions justified, if at all?
1 Added Argument What would you rather be subjected for 1 day to?
5 Created Debate If all religions were false, do they hurt society more than help?

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